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Create New Account

Please fill out the necessary information below to create an account for this Portal.


The password must be at least 6 characters long, contain at least one number, upper and lowercase letter and a special character. Special characters include: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + =


Add Entity

Select an Entity from our Lookup list.

TIP: Type a few characters and wait for the drop down selection. Entity that is NOT on our database list will not be accepted.
If the Entity you are looking for is not in our database, you can add one after your account has been validated.

Please Review These Important Details Before You Create Your Account:

This site will allow you to establish a personalized account to perform activities. To create a personalized account, you must provide some personal data, including your name and email address. We will use the information you submit to maintain your account, to automatically complete other forms on the Site, and otherwise as described in our Privacy Policy.

By clicking the 'Create Account' button, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • You are confirming that you have reviewed and agree and understand the Privacy Policy, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data for the purposes of using this program.
  • No confidential relationship is established or implied by the company's acceptance or consideration of the submitted information.
  • We will retain your personal data so that we may contact you regarding future Request for Proposals unless you indicate that you do not want to participate.

If you reside outside of the United States:

  • By clicking the 'Create Account' button, you are consenting to the transfer and processing of your personal data in countries outside of your country of residence, specifically the United States of America, which may provide different data protection rules than in your home country.
  • Please refer to our privacy policy for more information and in particular, “How to contact us” to exercise your rights.
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Abbott Partnerships

Our goal is to elevate the standard of care by supporting and leading the effort in diagnostic research

© 2006, 2013, 2016, © ideaPoint 2025 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois, USA